Thursday 17 October 2013



  1. Dear Kyleigh and room 6 - I love your pictures of nature. Your class asked me lots of questions recently about my job at Caritas and other things I do. I'd have to say my favorite job at the moment is a volunteer job as a ranger on Matiu-Somes Island that you would have read about. Matiu is a special place in Wellington Harbout which is recovering its natural vegetation and animal life – I hope it reflects what will happen elsewhere in Aotearoa New Zealand. I hope you look after nature where you live too.

  2. Paige Holmes (room 5)5 November 2013 at 21:50

    I like how Kyleigh has a picture under each the statement.

  3. Paige Holmes (room 5)5 November 2013 at 21:52

    I like how Kyleigh had a picture under each statement.

  4. Kyleigh's Mum (Marlene)13 November 2013 at 22:59

    I liked the way you arranged your nature pictures with the appropriate information - it looks clear, easy to read and vibrant. Well done Kyleigh!
