Monday 1 April 2013

Kapo Island

In Religious Education during Lent we have been learning about Kapo Island which is near Papua New Guinea.

Caritas helps people all around the world including people on Kapo Island. 

We have learnt that people on Kapo Island have houses up on stilts as they are surrounded by water. 

We have learnt they have to keep their pets inside so they don't get swept away by water. 

We have learnt the children have to go to school on the main land by canoe! 

We learnt that the people eat simple food that they grow and catch such as coconuts, fish and fruit. 

We have learnt that a lot of people get Maleria and get very sick from this disease and even die from it! 

We were surprised by how the people live on Kapo Island and we know we are very lucky to live in New Zealand. 

Here we are on the IPads researching about what causes Maleria. 

Comment if you know about Malieria and we will answer you with what we know! 

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