Wednesday 13 March 2013










Year 4,5, and 6 St Mary's Triathlon.

The event was held here at school and we had lots of fun and success by all the children who entered.

This was the first year which year 4 students were included in the triathlon, they should be very proud of themselves for running, biking and swimming all that way!!


  1. This was such a fun day and I greatly enjoyed watching the year 4 class compete. Everyone did so well!

  2. Joshua Cornforth20 March 2013 at 01:01

    I am proud of Jack getting third in the triathlon. He likes doing sports.

  3. miss windley

    dear miss windley i think your class is really injoying you as a teacher i miss being in your class

    from Emily (who was in your old class)

  4. wow room 6 what a term
